Sunday, July 27, 2008

frozen in fear

Letting go of somethin that i always wanted

security scares me
and love even more
i have lived with battles of the mind and
incessant fights with the cruel world
now when am free and found myself
am scared of peace
of losing it
wasn't ever this submerged in the ragin storms ,then why does silence seem to drown all hopes?
while fightin i got so immersed in it that i forgot wot i was fighting for
wen the goal is in sight why do i turn back to the roads left behind
lost in transit ive stopped movin on
no road seems to be the one to take
when finally sanity is right there
why doesnt madness give up on me
whats with immobility
why cant i move
why is the freedom so stifling
why do i yearn for the binding chains
why does the evil seem less frightening than the good i searched for
why's the last step to the glory the one that seems the longest
why wouldn't time be kind to me and
why wouldn't weightlessness carry me to the safe abode
i made the ceaseless journey on my own then why seek support at the last stop
why wouldnt the goal move jus one step to prove that its not been futile and all this way i was moving in the right direction
o why wouldn't light and faith find me
and carry me to that bful dream while i want to now fall fast asleep

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