Tuesday, April 14, 2009


the flavor of life is so bitter
that nothing should matter
all the things that are to be valued
are ended no matter what.
don value anything
you might just regret
coz poison is all people cherish and all love
is worth zilch


Anonymous said...

a bit too harsh, don't you think?

don't want to ruin the sentiment in the verse. yet, if i were to see people write well only when they were sad, then, i'd rather not see them write well at all.

you just wont know said...

:)...i know wot u mean.!!

Mulling Over My Thoughts said...

you cant write well unless you're sad! it's called poets curse!!!


you just wont know said...

Agreed.Its the x factor that sadness adds tO poetry.

suraj said...

spot on...... come to think of it ...they alwayz seem better thn any happy rathr not so sad(i mean emotions :P) poem u come across