Friday, August 22, 2008

Last movie seen in theatre: dark knight(second time)...awwwsome..heath ledger is god.devil or wotever..he rules.

Book being read: in an intellectually deprived stage o life

Favourite Board Game: monopoly,chess
Favourite magazine: reader's digest,vogue

Favourite smells: the smell of mud after the rain,of diesel perfume,of the way a baby smells after a bath,of freshy washed hair,of incense sticks,of mom..

Favourite sounds: of cow bells,of my anklets,of temple bells,of a yezdi doodhwala bike horn,of the newspaper being thrown outide,of the namaaz..o its hypnotic..of a baby's chuckle..of mom cribbing when im pretendin to sleep..of utensils when moms cookin

What is the first thing you think when you wake up: i pout..

Worst feeling in the world: of betrayal,of having being honest and told ur not trusted

Favourite fast food place: MC Donalds

Future child's name: aara..means somethin cool in some lang

Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d..dream about wot to do..

Do you drive fast? o yeaa

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal..yeeks no

Storms- cool or scary? cool...

Do you eat the stems on broccoli? yea..

If you could dye your hair any colour, what would be your choice? copper

All towns/cities you have lived in jaipur and pune..n bombay n delhi..n well specify d duration dude

Favourite Sport to watch: its loosely to watch sports..well 20-20 is ok

One nice thing about the person who sent this to you ..nobody sent

What’s under your bed? ..things that were on the bed b4 i slept
Would you like to be born as yourself again? ..nope..

Morning person or night owl? ...owls dad/mom

Over easy or sunny side up? does it mean

Favourite place to relax: any shady night jt

Favourite pie: ..none
Favourite Ice Cream:5 buck orange candy


Random Guy said...

matlab ki total wellapanti.. lol..

you just wont know said...